Hey everyone! I wanted to let you all know that I have moved my blog over to Living a Healthy Fit n Free Life with Coach Carrie. Yep, I made that leap to Word Press!
I also have a giveaway going on over there as well!! Come check out the Rockin Body Giveaway!!
Simply Fitting Into Life...and my old jeans
Monday, August 27, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Week 1 ChaLEAN Extreme
Monday I started my new program ChaLean Extreme! This program is really different from what I am normally used to with all my cardio from Turbo Fire, but I love it. It really is a change in pace because Chalene Johnson wants you to lift slow, and I mean slow. She is so motivating telling you that you CAN DO IT, that we are building muscle and MUSCLE BURNS FAT! There were a few times where I pick a weight that was either to heavy or to light. I wrote down the amount of weight I was using on my calendar and will get the right ones next week.
Let me tell you my whole body is sore, but it's the good sore of building muscle! Call me crazy, but I really do love the feeling of being sore. In my mind the feeling of sore means that I know this is working.
My goal with ChaLEAN Extreme is to get down to 125 and get a flat tummy!
July 9, 2012
Weight: 135.8
R Arm: 10.5
L Arm: 10.5
Waist: 32
R Thigh: 20.5
L Thigh: 20.5
Chest: 35
Abductors: 21.5
Body Fat: 27.6
Here are my BEFORE Pics
Results for Week 1
July 16, 2012
Weight: 132
R Arm: 10
L Arm: 10
Waist: 31
R Thigh: 20.5
L Thigh: 20.5
Chest: 35
Abductors: 21
Can you believe that?!?!?!? I SHREDDED 3.8 pounds AND down 3 INCHES!!! CRAZY!!! So that IS proof that MUSCLE really BURNS FAT!! I am honestly so glad I decided to switch things up and do some weight lifting instead of all my cardio! Stay tuned for next weeks results!!
Carrie Symes is a Fitness Coach who strives to help others by giving hope and support to those that are dissatisfied with their current situation. Whether you are lacking physically, emotionally, financially, or nutritionally she is here to help you see REAL RESULTS!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Getting Extreme!!
So excited for Monday to come!!! Why is that, well I will be starting ChaLEAN Extreme!! So what is ChaLEAN Extreme you may ask it is a body-sculpting program designed to help you lose up to 60 percent of your body fat in just three months, and see visible results every 30 days. It uses resistance training to increase lean muscle mass, which has been proven to burn calories and raise your metabolism. The result is a
Carrie Symes is a Fitness Coach who strives to help others by giving hope and support to those that are dissatisfied with their current situation. Whether you are lacking physically, emotionally, financially, or nutritionally she is here to help you see REAL RESULTS!
lean, firm, well-toned physique.
You may already know that I personally LOVE Turbo Fire, it is truly my soul-mate workout for sure. Well, Chalene Johnson is also the creator of ChaLEAN Extreme. She is an amazing and motivating fitness leader and I love her!
There are 3 Phases to this program. The first is the Burn Phase. This is where I will start lifting weights so that I jump start my metabolism. The next is the Push Phase and I WILL LIFT HEAVY weights so that I will build that muscle to burn the fat. The last one will be the Lean Phase where new moves will be introduced to me!
Are you ready to go EXTREME??? I am and cannot wait!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012
ATTENTION MOMS: I am looking to help 10 moms loos at least 1 dress size by September. You will be working with me for the next 30-60 days If you are interested comment below for details.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Why I Drink Shakeology!
For those of you who don't know what Shakeology is, well it is the healthiest meal of the day! I know a lot of people are really sceptical about weight loss shake and other types of products. The one main reason I drink Shakeology DAILY is that it is ALL NATURAL!!! Here is the ingredients list:
You can find out more on My Shakeology site!
With drinking Shakeology daily it has helped me:
- Loose weight
- I don't crave chocolate as much
- Feel great
- Lowered my blood pressure!!
Here is a video that you all should watch!!
You can find out more on My Shakeology site!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Insanity Before & After
Well right before my surgery I finished Insanity!! I know I could have had better results, but I think I did really good!!
Insanity Before and After Measurements
Total Lost
Total Inches
Carrie Symes is a Fitness Coach who strives to help others by giving hope and support to those that are dissatisfied with their current situation. Whether you are lacking physically, emotionally, financially, or nutritionally she is here to help you see REAL RESULTS!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Even as a child I almost always went for the more healthier food options. Although some times I didn't. But I never, ever considered myself on a diet. Until I succumbed to the stereotype label of being on a diet recently...
I gave in to all the questions "are you on a diet?". And I said "yes I am." I now would like to clarify that.... "NO I AM NOT ON A DIET!" I just choose to eat REAL food that is healthy and good for my body. I have seen what unnatural processed food can do to my body and I am not letting myself get like that again. Processed junk not only helps you to gain weight, but also makes you feel like crap and lowers your energy levels. I learned a lot about that when I was training for my tri last year. Try eating at McDonalds and then the next day run a few miles. Let me tell ya, you will be like a slug!
For me and I know a lot of others out there as well, eating healthy is just our way of life, it's our lifestyle. With people asking me if I was on a diet really made me realize that our society has got to change!!! I know it won't change over night, but I truly hope I can help make a difference in people's lives.
Let me also say that, I am not perfect either. I do eat pizza and sometimes McDonalds. And yes I do have a sweet tooth, but that's where my Shakeology comes in!
So I Challenge you to swap out one of your "unnatural snacks" for a more healthier option like nuts, fruits, or veggies!!! Choose to live a healthy lifestyle!!
*I am no expert or claim to be. I am just stating my own experiences.
Carrie Symes is a Fitness Coach who strives to help others by giving hope and support to those that are dissatisfied with their current situation. Whether you are lacking physically, emotionally, financially, or nutritionally she is here to help you see REAL RESULTS!
I gave in to all the questions "are you on a diet?". And I said "yes I am." I now would like to clarify that.... "NO I AM NOT ON A DIET!" I just choose to eat REAL food that is healthy and good for my body. I have seen what unnatural processed food can do to my body and I am not letting myself get like that again. Processed junk not only helps you to gain weight, but also makes you feel like crap and lowers your energy levels. I learned a lot about that when I was training for my tri last year. Try eating at McDonalds and then the next day run a few miles. Let me tell ya, you will be like a slug!
For me and I know a lot of others out there as well, eating healthy is just our way of life, it's our lifestyle. With people asking me if I was on a diet really made me realize that our society has got to change!!! I know it won't change over night, but I truly hope I can help make a difference in people's lives.
Let me also say that, I am not perfect either. I do eat pizza and sometimes McDonalds. And yes I do have a sweet tooth, but that's where my Shakeology comes in!
So I Challenge you to swap out one of your "unnatural snacks" for a more healthier option like nuts, fruits, or veggies!!! Choose to live a healthy lifestyle!!
*I am no expert or claim to be. I am just stating my own experiences.
Carrie Symes is a Fitness Coach who strives to help others by giving hope and support to those that are dissatisfied with their current situation. Whether you are lacking physically, emotionally, financially, or nutritionally she is here to help you see REAL RESULTS!
Friday, April 27, 2012
I'm Back!!
For those of you who may still be following me... I'm back!!! Kinda....
It's been a long life changing journey this last year(almost). Things happen for so many reasons, and yes things happen for a reason. My husband and I almost totally lost our marriage together this last year due to many factors, but the main reason was communication. You see after being together for 8+ years you may think you can read each others minds and communicate telepathically, but that is just not the case. That is one thing that we both have learned and are working hard on it day by day. Life is ever changing... For those of you that are married or in any type of relationship... Keep talking to each other, don't assume that your partner knows everything that goes on, talk about things that happened that may or may not be important to you, but it will keep that communication open with your partner.
I also started working outside my home in all this time as a Certified Nursing Assistant(CNA) in a nursing home. Being a CNA before, it was nothing new to me, just getting back into the swing of things. Trust me it's not my dream job, but it helps pay the bills.
And let me tell ya my weight has been all over the place in this year. When my husband and I were at our worst point I lost 12 pounds in one month!!! That was not good!! But as things got better with us I gained it back and + some. If you have ever worked in health care, you know all the goodies that come along for the holidays.
In March I decided to get back to basics: Workout Journal(Mind you I had not worked out in months!!), WATER, WATER, WATER, and making healthier food choices. Starting weigh on 3/5/12 was 149.8. As you all know it takes time, but as of this week I am now down to 143! One of the biggest factors is I started doing Insanity and also Shakeology! I just seem to be more focused if I am on a schedule. I am also a Beach Body Coach again, because I realized that this is where my passion is at. I love the fitness industry and I did go through a little depression period when I was not working out. I was just not happy with myself and where I was. So I am almost like a newbie once again, but I love it!!
So, that's what I've been up to lately. I am still working full time at the moment, but I am hoping to post at least once a week! I hope you continue to follow me on my journey through life and also fitting back into my old jeans!!!!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Sitting At a Buffet: How to Ensure You're Not Staring at Temptation
Guest post by Dan Seitz
Buffets are the enemy of any diet. Full of fatty foods, and sometimes with only a few healthy or low-
calorie options, you can find yourself undoing months of work in one night. But it doesn't have to be
that way, not with the help of science.
A study conducted by two Cornell economists found some behaviors that show why you bust your
belly at the buffet table...and how to avoid it.
− Don't sit in front of the buffet: put your back to it or sit with it at your side. When it faces
you, it's easier to see what's available...and easier to tell yourself one (or one more) serving of
beef stroganoff won't hurt.
− Use a smaller plate; larger plates will look empty when you properly serve yourself,
convincing you that just maybe you haven't had enough food.
− Before serving yourself, look over the entire buffet and see what's available, instead of
going for the first option you see. Not only will this help you plan your meal, it'll also allow
your stomach to get caught up with your hunger, so you'll know how much is hunger and how
much is just an interest in how that alfredo sauce tastes.
− Put a napkin on your lap. It may sound odd, but it'll keep you from automatically getting up
and going back to the buffet; you'll have time to think about what you want and whether you
really need a second serving.
− Chew your food thoroughly. As any dieter knows, a big part of the problem is that you can
serve yourself faster than your stomach can tell you you've had enough. Chewing slowly and
thoroughly will make sure it's got time to gauge how much you've had.
Beyond that, there are strategies you can use to avoid the buffet in the first place:
− If you're with family or friends and they suggest a buffet restaurant, see if you can talk them
into going to a sit-down restaurant with more options...and less temptation.
− If it's a sit-down restaurant with a buffet, order from the menu instead of getting the buffet.
That way, everyone's happy and you won't be faced with unhealthy choices.
− If it's a social occasion where a buffet is the only option, use the strategies above and focus on
the socializing. After all, you're there to talk with people: the food is just a courtesy.
− For potlucks and other buffet-like situations, bring a big batch of your favorite healthy
option. Not only will it ensure there's something for you to eat, the rest of the group will be
grateful for a little variety.
Buffets are a part of life, but there's no reason you can't go to one. All it takes is a little control...and
being mindful of where you sit.
Dan Seitz is a freelance writer who has posted previously about self-improvement through lifestyle changes, as well as making sure your home is kept up via techniques such as gutter cleaning.
Buffets are the enemy of any diet. Full of fatty foods, and sometimes with only a few healthy or low-
calorie options, you can find yourself undoing months of work in one night. But it doesn't have to be
that way, not with the help of science.
A study conducted by two Cornell economists found some behaviors that show why you bust your
belly at the buffet table...and how to avoid it.
− Don't sit in front of the buffet: put your back to it or sit with it at your side. When it faces
you, it's easier to see what's available...and easier to tell yourself one (or one more) serving of
beef stroganoff won't hurt.
− Use a smaller plate; larger plates will look empty when you properly serve yourself,
convincing you that just maybe you haven't had enough food.
− Before serving yourself, look over the entire buffet and see what's available, instead of
going for the first option you see. Not only will this help you plan your meal, it'll also allow
your stomach to get caught up with your hunger, so you'll know how much is hunger and how
much is just an interest in how that alfredo sauce tastes.
− Put a napkin on your lap. It may sound odd, but it'll keep you from automatically getting up
and going back to the buffet; you'll have time to think about what you want and whether you
really need a second serving.
− Chew your food thoroughly. As any dieter knows, a big part of the problem is that you can
serve yourself faster than your stomach can tell you you've had enough. Chewing slowly and
thoroughly will make sure it's got time to gauge how much you've had.
Beyond that, there are strategies you can use to avoid the buffet in the first place:
− If you're with family or friends and they suggest a buffet restaurant, see if you can talk them
into going to a sit-down restaurant with more options...and less temptation.
− If it's a sit-down restaurant with a buffet, order from the menu instead of getting the buffet.
That way, everyone's happy and you won't be faced with unhealthy choices.
− If it's a social occasion where a buffet is the only option, use the strategies above and focus on
the socializing. After all, you're there to talk with people: the food is just a courtesy.
− For potlucks and other buffet-like situations, bring a big batch of your favorite healthy
option. Not only will it ensure there's something for you to eat, the rest of the group will be
grateful for a little variety.
Buffets are a part of life, but there's no reason you can't go to one. All it takes is a little control...and
being mindful of where you sit.
Dan Seitz is a freelance writer who has posted previously about self-improvement through lifestyle changes, as well as making sure your home is kept up via techniques such as gutter cleaning.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Thank You All!!
I want to truly thank you all for your kind and helpful comments last week. JR and I have been working through this and we are making progress, but it is taking time. We have been talking out our issues and life feels so much better than it did a week ago. Thank you all so much!
So, what does my normal schedule look like you may ask....
7:50 Get Joclyn on bus
9- Spinning class
10:40-11:15 Aqua baby with Bella
11:30-2:30 At my moms helping her & my grandmother
3:10 Get Joclyn off bus
3-5 Make sure Joclyn gets homework done & house work
5-6 Make dinner
6-7 Eat dinner and relax a bit
7-8 Kids bath time
8 Kids in bed
8-10 Get stuff ready for next day
7:50 Get Joclyn on bus
8-11 Get stuff done around the house. Get on the computer a bit.
11-2:30 At my moms helping her and my grandmother
3:10 Get Joclyn off bus
3-4 Make sure Joclyn gets homework done & house work
4:15-5:30 Lap swim
6-7 Eat dinner and relax a bit
7-8 Kids bath time
8 Kids in bed
8-10 Get stuff ready for next day
7:50 Get Joclyn on bus
9- Spinning class
10- Run
11:30-2:30 At my moms helping her and my grandmother
3:10 Get Joclyn off bus
3-5 Make sure Joclyn gets homework done & house work
5-6 Make dinner
6-7 Eat dinner and relax a bit
7-8 Kids bath time
8 Kids in bed
8-10 Get stuff ready for next day
7:50 Get Joclyn on bus
8-11 Get stuff done around the house. Get on the computer a bit.
11-2:30 At my moms helping her and my grandmother
3:10 Get Joclyn off bus
3-4 Make sure Joclyn gets homework done & house work
4:15-5:30 Lap swim 6-7 Eat dinner and relax a bit
7-8 Kids bath time
8 Kids in bed
8-10 Get stuff ready for next day
7:50 Get Joclyn on bus
9- Spinning class
10- Run
10:40-11:15 Aqua baby with Bella
11:30-2:30 At my moms helping her & my grandmother
3:10 Get Joclyn off bus
3-5 Make sure Joclyn gets homework done & house work
5-6 Make dinner
6-7 Eat dinner and relax a bit
7-8 Kids bath time
8 Kids in bed
8-10 Get stuff ready for next day
Saturday -Family time
Sunday -Family Time
Softball is also thrown in 2 times a week as well. I Mom is doing really well, although we had to go back down to Pittsburgh last week because her incision was not healing right. She had old scar tissue from her previous surgery that was not getting enough blood to it and was not healing, so the doctor debreid it and put in 4 stitches.
Life has been crazy, but all in all things have gotten a lot better! I hope you all are having a wonderful week!
Softball is also thrown in 2 times a week as well. I Mom is doing really well, although we had to go back down to Pittsburgh last week because her incision was not healing right. She had old scar tissue from her previous surgery that was not getting enough blood to it and was not healing, so the doctor debreid it and put in 4 stitches.
Life has been crazy, but all in all things have gotten a lot better! I hope you all are having a wonderful week!
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